After purchase, you will immediately receive an Order Confirmation Email with links to download class files. There are (3) files to download per class.
- (1) Online Class Instructions – Date/times of the class and the webinar details to join the class
- (2) Calendar Invite – A Calendar file that you can import into your calendar with the webinar information
- (3) Chatboard Instructions – Instructions and a link to the chatboard for the class
June: Multi-Purpose Limpias & Moving Beyond the Fears of Offering them to Others
- How do you define limpias?
- Identify the many purposes limpias can serve? exs.
- Platicas
- Sweeps or Barridas: Egg, Herbs, Flowers, Feathers, Crystals
- Fire Limpias: White Fire, Fire Ceremonies, Velaciónes, Puros
- Space Limpias
- Divination Work & Readings
- Ceremonial group limpias: Cacao, Lunar, Deity, Ancestral
- Solar & Lunar Limpias
- How do you move beyond any fears of serving as a healing practitioner?
- imposter syndrome
- causing harm
- being questioned
- Do you want to offer limpias in your healing practice?
- Which ones and why?
No Refunds
Please note that once you sign up for a class or set of classes, refunds will not be provided, nor can you switch class dates/times that month.
You will have an opportunity to watch/rewatch any missed course(s) for 28-days after we have gone live. You will also have an opportunity to interact with the community that month on the community chat board.
If $50 – $200 is going to break you financially, should an emergency come up, please do not sign up. Work with the limpia rites (online limpia classes are only $15/series) to get yourself to a place where the investment for this program is not going to break you, before signing up please and thank you.